The Zemits CoolRestore Elegance
Cryo Body Contouring Treatment
Designed by a team of doctors and engineers, the Zemits CoolRestore Elegance is one of the latest advanced and unique Cryo Systems on the market and available at Sneed Medispa and Wellness. The Cryo body sculpting technology of Zemits CoolRestore Elegance uses the extremely low temperature range to dramatically impact the local fat deposits, as well as boost collagen and elastin production. The specific low range can drastically affect the local blood circulation and shrinks blood vessels, leading to a “numbing” sensation during the treatment. Eventually this stressful freezing condition stimulates the cascade of intracellular reactions and stimulates apoptosis – a natural death of fatty cells. As a result – reduced local fat deposits and increased collagen production.

The CoolRestore Elegance treatment is a skin tightening treatment that uses extremely cold temperatures to impact local fat (adipose) cells. These low temperature ranges affects the blood circulation and blood cells. The temperatures cause a “numbing” sensation on the skin. The adipocyte cells go into shock and this leads to a sped up and more effective adipocyte elimination process. Exposing cells to extreme cold temperatures causing the cell to die quickly. So exposure of fat cells to extreme cold temperatures causes the fat cells to be eliminated.

Skin Tightening Treatment
The extremely cold temperatures in facial cryotherapy dramatically improve local skin metabolism which results in:
- Drastically increased blood and lymph circulation,
- Instant reduction of puffiness and visible face lifting
- Decreasing of pigmentation
- Effectively boosted of collagen and elastin production
The low temperatures enhance shedding of dead cells on the top skin layer, and bring arterial blood (full of oxygen to the skin from inside) to expose healthy and radiant skin beneath.
At Sneed Medispa and Wellness we use this innovative technique to treat the face, neck, hands, and mid-section of the body. We can target fat cells and enhance the shedding process with minimal downtime. Call us at 901-236-7722 to schedule a consultation today.